lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


We do not have one best way to prepare for an interview but there are specific and important strategies to achieve one's chances for interview success. Every interview is a learning experience, so learning that takes place during the preparation and actual interview process is useful for future interviews.

First all the Initial preparation requires recent assessment of skills, interests, values, and accomplishments; we have to know or make a research on the targeted company/organization and position. Preparation also includes actual practice of typical and targeted interview questions. Final preparation includes details of dress and appearance, knowledge of the location of the interview what to expect in the company.

Also we have to know that exist different types of interview such as informal the interviewee ask question in order to remain as open as possible the second and most common is general interview guide approach means that ensure the same general areas of information are collected from each interviewee, this is more focus than the conversational approach. At the same time during the interview there many topics in the conversation that we need to get the information like this behaviors, opinions, values, feelings and knowledge.

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