sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Video about Cost-Benefit Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

But, what are Cost-Benefit Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis?
CBA and CEA, both it refer to or is commonly done for financial (cost and benefits). CBA is converted into monetary (money) unit; on the contrary CEA is converted into non-monetary (no money) unit. You can use those to make a comparison related with cost and benefits. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly done on financial things.

Also Cost-Benefits are program outcomes expressed mainly as money. CBA help to appraise, or assess, or maybe in the case for a project, programme or policy proposal; Cost–benefit analysis is often used by individual’s and social perspective; but also by governments to evaluate the desirability of a given intervention. It is heavily used in today's government.

There are some basic set of key cost-benefit indicators, for example:
* NPV (net present value)
* PVB (present value of benefits)
* PVC (present value of costs)
* BCR (benefit cost ratio = PVB / PVC)

CBA help you to plan in very ensure way the cost and benefits, if you want to invest in something, or if you want to do something with which you are unsure about it, because you think it is not going to work. With this you can plan and see if you should do it. And also if you have a business you can use it to see what your costs are and what are the benefits of your business has given you.

And the main differences between CBA and CEA are:
Cost-benefit analysis
* Both costs and benefits are evaluated in monetary (dollar) and compared.

Cost-effectiveness analysis
* The costs of alternative means of achieving some benefit are compared.
* The benefits itself is not evaluated in dollars.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Last Session

Topics in the exam:

What is evaluation?Evaluation is about using monitoring and other information you collect to make judgements about your project. It is also about using the information to make changes and improvements.

In CBA the benefits are transformed into monetary terms and compared to program costs.
In CEA benefits are transformed into non-monetary unit, such as lives saved, people attended, and are compared with program costs in dollars.

Program Evaluation?
Program evaluation is carefully collecting information about a program or some aspect of a program in order to make necessary decisions about the program

Types of evaluation:
Goals-Based Evaluation
Process-Based Evaluations
Outcomes-Based Evaluation

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

How to write a Plan Program Evaluation

(According to this module)

1.Decide which type of evaluation you will conduct
2.Depending which type of evaluation you decide to do, identify the steps to be followed
3.Write the plan to evaluate de program or project
4.Description of the program to be evaluated
5.General and specific objectives of the plan
6.Methodology (collect, process data)
7.Categories and Indicators to be evaluated
8.Chronogram or Time Chart
9.Estimated Budget


Goal-based evaluation: evaluating the extent to which programs are meeting predetermined goals or objectives.

Process-based evaluation: are geared to fully understanding how a program works -- how does it produce that results that it does.

Outcomes-based evaluation: facilitates your asking if your organization is really doing the right program activities to bring about the outcomes you believe to be needed by your clients.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Example of interview


We do not have one best way to prepare for an interview but there are specific and important strategies to achieve one's chances for interview success. Every interview is a learning experience, so learning that takes place during the preparation and actual interview process is useful for future interviews.

First all the Initial preparation requires recent assessment of skills, interests, values, and accomplishments; we have to know or make a research on the targeted company/organization and position. Preparation also includes actual practice of typical and targeted interview questions. Final preparation includes details of dress and appearance, knowledge of the location of the interview what to expect in the company.

Also we have to know that exist different types of interview such as informal the interviewee ask question in order to remain as open as possible the second and most common is general interview guide approach means that ensure the same general areas of information are collected from each interviewee, this is more focus than the conversational approach. At the same time during the interview there many topics in the conversation that we need to get the information like this behaviors, opinions, values, feelings and knowledge.