martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

What is Business Administration?


It is related to decision making, which is at the same time The process of selecting from several choices products or ideas, before to take an action. If we relate this term to and educational term, then, business administration As an educational term, business administration has an extraordinary number of academic study areas.

There are some admimistrative functions that are included in the Business Adminstration, these are given to meet oraganization´s goals:

_Planning: Means deciding what will happen in a near or far future and at the same time generate ideas.

_Organizing: The usage of each tool and resources to achieve the plans made.

_Directing: To know what to do in a determined situation and get the most of it.

_Coordinating: The effort of a group to reach one single goal.

_Controlling: To check any problem and be aware of any future situation.

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